WEEK 11 (679) – Why Games in Education?

Why use gaming in education?  The real questions should be why not?  Through my journey with gamification I have found that games in education can do everything that traditional education can, but with more joy, excitement, engagement and enthusiasm for the teacher.  It is exponentially better for students as well.

Should everyone do gamification or games in education all the time with every subject?  Probably not, but using it as much as possible can keep learning (and teaching) fresh.  If everyone did the same Martian game for every assignment, it would get boring fast.  As long as you can create exciting and engaging different worlds and experiences for students while you explore your curriculum, you should integrate games and gamification in your classes (by the way, I am talking to college professors also!).

We know that students and people in general are geared to play games.  When the game is designed well, students have a natural drive to complete and at least try their best.  I believe Matera when he says that games are “a perfect vessel to augment many pedagogical tools.” I also agree with Matera when he says, “Games are filled with motivational complexity that can be used to shed light on topics and increase content complexity.”

As an educator, I think it makes sense to do whatever it takes to help students learn.  Gamification is a great strategy that can give better than normal results and so it should be used.  I am using gamification and intend to use it as much as is reasonable.


Holloway, S. (2018, May 2). Gamification in Education: 4 Ways To Bring Games To Your Classroom. Blended Learning.  https://tophat.com/blog/gamification-education-class/

Matera, M. (2015). Explore Like a PIRATE: Gamification and Game-Inspired Course Design to Engage, Enrich and Elevate Your Learners. Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.

Zichermann, G.  (2014, February 25). The Future of Creativity and Innovation is Gamification. TEDxVilnius.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZvRw71Slew

By waclawskid

One comment on “WEEK 11 (679) – Why Games in Education?

  1. Good post. You caution about things getting dull and repetitious is important. Let me suggest that the students be part of the learning by having them build components of games, or come up with ways to reward and such. They would learn a lot by creating educational opportunities for their peers.

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